Multi-Channel Sales Approach
At Delaware Estate Sales we work very hard to maximize your return. Our Multi-Channel Sales Approach is a service that is unique to the area and even the industry. Each item is placed in the venue that is most appropriate for it.
Resale Shop
The majority of items are sold in our warehouse & resale shop at 1323 Newport Gap Pike Wilmington, De 19804. This is where we sell furniture, jewelry, artwork, housewares, tools, and just about anything you'd find in a home. Items that go into the resale shop are given a 12 week period to sell on a depriciating scale (every two week the price drops). We have thousands of people that come through our warehouse & showroom looking for unique and interesting items. In addition, the shop has an always changing inventory. Stop by sometime. It's always interesting.

Yes there's an additional fee. But it is well worth it. Would you rather have 50% of $70 or 60% of $250? If it's rare and small enough to ship, then it's a prime candidate for EBay. It's simply the world's largest market of collectors with some 50 million registered users!
Incidentally our addtional fee is actually just passing on the cost of selling on EBay.
Auctions get the best of both worlds.
Trash to Cash
You know the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure"? Well items that aren't good enough to go into the resale shop go directly to auction.
End of the Line
Any items that have completed their 12 week run in the resale shop go to auction. If it hasn't sold in our shop after 12 weeks of decling prices maybe nobody wants it. But don't fret, in the competitive nature of auctions, we've seen items sell for more than what we orignially asked for it!
Suitable for Auction
The bread and butter of the resale shop is household goods. That's what people come in there looking for. Some items just do better in a competitve environment. This is usually the antiques and collectibles. These items from your estate will be sold at one of our auctions.
One Auction or Two
How about three. Another thing that we do that is unique is that we'll often split up your items across multiple auctions. Because of the volume we do, it is often beneficial to both sellers and buyers that we "spread stuff out" or combine like items. Say you have the exact same set of china as someone else (it happens more often than you think) that is going to auction. Well there really isn't much reason to have two sets of the same thing. Or say Estates A, C, and E all had a small collection of toy trains. Each collection on it's own wouldn't be enough to get a buyer to come out to the auction. But if we combine them it makes a much more attractive auction.